
Keep Cats Safe!

Keep Cats Safe!

  • Canada has an estimated 1.4 to 4.2 million stray cats and 9.3 million pet cats
  • Outdoor cats are vulnerable to diseases, cars and fights with wildlife, dogs and other cats
  • Tens of thousands of cats are euthanized each year in shelters
  • Cats deserve the same level of care as dogs
Save Bird Lives!

Save Bird Lives!

  • Canada’s birds are in trouble; some species have declined by up to 90%
  • The number of bird species at risk has doubled since 2001.
  • Over and above the impacts of habitat loss and climate change, humans cause an estimated 130 to 433 million bird deaths per year in Canada. Canada’s 10 million pet cats and estimated 1.4 to 4.2 million feral cats significantly to that toll.
Build Healthier Communities!

Build Healthier Communities!

  • Birds provide vital services such as reducing insect pests, regenerating forests through dispersing seeds and supporting businesses such as bird-watching
  • Keeping cats from roaming freely reduces human exposure to diseases such as toxoplasmosis, and reduces neighbour conflict
  • Municipalities can enact bylaws to keep cats from roaming freely,  just as they do with dogs; but such bylaws must be accompanied by a public awareness campaign and other supports to be effective
Help us keep cats safe from roaming unsupervised!